WAAST Prayer Guide – April 10, 2022


This extension center, based in Kumasi, is meeting from April through June with 32 students. The third-year students will come to the central campus in Lomé in August to complete their studies and graduate. New students will enter the program in the October-December session. The Assemblies of God of Ghana has been opening new works and has grown to nearly 6,000 congregations. The many months of lockdown during the pandemic made clear the importance of media, and this past January the AG launched AGTV to bring the gospel into more homes. The AG has also just launched a new initiative, Vision 5000, to plant 5,000 new churches over the next 5 years. More workers need to be trained to teach in the Bible schools; to plant and lead healthy churches; to train disciples who can disciple others; to use media to evangelize; and to serve their communities through various social services, such as Christian schools, development, and disaster relief. These workers must be filled and led by the Holy Spirit in order to stand against the strong influences of Islam, traditional religions, and unbalanced “prosperity” teachings that keep people from entering and serving in God’s kingdom.

Please pray

  • that the 400+ Ghanaian graduates of WAAST would continue to serve faithfully in their roles, from national-church leaders to local pastors, teachers, church planters, etc., and for more qualified students to enter this center;
  • for the church-planting efforts, that new converts and congregations would be discipled and filled with the Spirit and have a life-giving influence in their respective communities;
  • for church members and leaders, that they might be so grounded in the Word of God that they would not be swayed by false doctrines and personality cults that distract many believers;
  • for those who work among Muslims in the north, that they would find open hearts among the many who resist the gospel.