Extension Centers
The development of extension centers in other cities of West and Central Africa have made WAAST’s BTh and Diploma programs more accessible to busy pastors and church leaders. Since the inception of the first center in the mid-1990s, enrollment has increased more than tenfold, to more than 500 students. Centers are located in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Madagascar, Senegal, and Sierra Leone.
The extension centers follow the same block-session format as the central campus, offering two courses in each three-week block. Dates of sessions are different for each center.
Application can be made and testing done at each extension site. For application information, course schedule, and testing dates, please contact the appropriate extension center coordinator.
Locations and Contact Information

Burkina Faso
Faculté de Théologie des Assemblées de Dieu, 01 B.P. 458, Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO. Courses are taught in French.
Coordinator: Rev. Josué Dipama
Contact: dipamaj@yahoo.fr or josue.dipama@gmail.com +226 78 82 13 09

Côte d’Ivoire
Institut Théologique et Pastoral, B.P. 1639, Daloa, COTE D’IVOIRE. Courses are taught in French.
Coordinator: Dr. Daplex Ouentchist Honoré
Contact: daplexhonore@yahoo.fr

Ecole Biblique du Plein Evangile, B.P. 337, Mbalmayo, CAMEROON. Because of the bilingual nature of this country, courses are taught in either French or English.
Coordinator: Dr. Felix Niba
Contact: felixniba@gmail.com

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Eglise de L’Arche de l’Alliance, 2294, Route Masina Petro Congo, B.P. 7743, Kinshasa, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO. Courses are taught in French.
Institute Biblique et Théologique des Assemblies de Dieu, #8 Route Kinsevère, Commune Annexe, Lubumbashi
Co-coordinator: Dr. Marcel Bomboko
Co-coordinator: Dr. Cécile Bomboko
Contact: marcel_bomboko@yahoo.fr

FATAD Gabon, B.P. 5136, Libreville, GABON. Courses are taught in French.
Coordinator: Rev. Gary Dickinson
Contact: gabon@fatad.org

Assemblies of God Institute of Higher Learning, P.O. Box SE2692, Suame, Kumasi, GHANA. Courses are taught in English.
Co-coordinator: Dr. Chris Dzoagbe
Contact: paschris@gmail.com +233 244 256 950 or +233 208 429 932
Co-coordinator: Dr. Gideon Panka
Contact: gideon_panka@yahoo.com +233 203 987 882 or +233 244 874 787

B.P. 14043 105 Antananarivo, MADAGASCAR. Courses are taught in French.
Coordinator: Dr. Jim Thacker
Contact: jim.thacker@agwmafrica.org

Institut Biblique Sénégalais, B.P.: 34 780, Dakar (Keurmassar), SENEGAL. Courses are taught in French.
Coordinator: Rev. Waly Sarr
Contact: senegal@fatad.org

Sierra Leone
Evangel Bible College, 13 Frazer Street, Murray Town, Freetown, SIERRA LEONE. Courses are taught in English.
Coordinator: Rev. Alfred Ensa
Contact: rev_johnagape@yahoo.com