Course Syllabi and Term Papers

Professors prepare a course syllabus for each student, with a copy submitted in advance to the Academic Dean. The syllabus includes the course description, objectives, textbooks, requirements, evaluation, and outline. The minimum reading for each course should be one thousand pages.

The graduate school expects every course to have a report on collateral reading, a final exam, and a term paper at least fourteen pages in length.

Term papers are due no later than 3 months after the end of the session. Students should submit papers to the receptionist, where the date of receipt will be stamped. Students may also submit their work by e-mail, following these guidelines:

  • The assignment should be prepared using Microsoft Word 97 or a later Word edition. The paper must be formatted for A4 paper and use the font Times New Roman, size 12. The student should take care to save and name the file.
  • Assignments must be sent to and submitted on or before the due date.
  • The assignment must be sent as an attached file with an e-mail message. The message should clearly state the following for each paper being sent: the student’s name, the name of the course, the professor, and the name of the attached file that contains the assignment.
  • The student should always bring a hard copy of each term project and a copy of the e-mail verifying the date of the transmission.

The student’s financial account will be charged 50 FCFA per page for printing the document.

Any formatting errors that appear as a result of printing will be the student’s responsibility if they affect the final project grade.