WAAST Prayer Guide – June 13, 2021


In a challenging environment, the Assemblies of God of Senegal is working to build the Kingdom, through church planting, primary schools, social helps, kids clubs, discipleship, and pastoral training. In the midst of COVID-19 restrictions in 2020, construction on new headquarters/ministry center was begun. The center includes a conference center and guesthouse, houses the AG schools network, and coordinates all AG education programs. A 700-seat church is also under construction; this will become a children’s church later as a 4,000-seat church is built. More importantly, the AG is establishing new congregations, with a goal of 50 per year. Thirty-seven were established before the pandemic began, and the work continues around the nation. More pastors need to be prepared, and the Bible institute, with some 40 students, and the WAAST center, with at least 10, are training them. The general superintendent, a WAAST alumnus, shares these requests:

Please pray

  • for open hearts among the Wolof people. This tribe, the majority in Senegal, is steeped in Islam and bound in brotherhoods, making the people very resistant to the gospel.
  • for those working in the northern part of the nation, for spiritual breakthrough and souls.
  • for the ministry of the AG schools. These 16 schools serve hundreds of children, mainly Muslim, and are well respected in the communities.
  • for the purchase of land for churches; this is often a problem as many Muslim landowners do not want to sell to them.
  • for more workers to be trained at the AG Bible institute and at the WAAST center.