WAAST Prayer Guide – September 12, 2021


In Revelation 7, John writes of “a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before…the Lamb” (v. 9). The Lamb, Jesus, brings together those who were once divided on earth—by ethnicity, language, religion, customs, politics, and more. On earth, nations and peoples struggle with pride and the desire to dominate other peoples. In Africa this is evidenced in conflicts and prejudices against other tribes or against those from other regions. This attitude of the superiority of one’s tribe or region at times seeps into and causes conflicts in churches at the local and even the national level. Such churches become ingrown and refuse to reach out to bring “different” people into the Kingdom. They do not preach that every person is created and loved by God, or share His vision of one heavenly, holy tribe gathered around His throne to worship the Lamb.

Please pray

  • that the Holy Spirit would work in the hearts of church leaders who favor some people groups over others, and help them to teach their congregations to reach out to all people;
  • that God’s missionary plan to have all tribes around the throne would motivate WAAST students and alumni in their respective ministries, and that they would stand firm in this conviction even in opposition;
  • for those who are seeking the truth, that the undiscriminating love of God’s people would draw them to Him;
  • for those who suffer persecution because they have “betrayed” their tribe to follow Jesus. May God use them to bring others to the Lord.