WAAST Prayer Guide – October 17, 2021


You can find them preaching with a megaphone in open-air markets, riding motorcycles on bush paths to reach far-flung villages, showing a film on a makeshift screen in empty lots in towns and cities—even atop a van dubbed “the moving pulpit.” Some WAAST students and alumni have a special call to evangelistic outreach. As the Holy Spirit leads them, they identify areas where the gospel is needed, seek the necessary permission, and, with their team, visit the people. Curious crowds gather to enjoy singing, gospel films, and the message of hope and life in Jesus. They reach out to adherents of voodoo, Muslims, gang members and prostitutes, respected business people, children, and the elderly—any and all who need to know Jesus. They work in cooperation with local churches (if there are any) to see new converts established in the faith, or with a church planter to begin a new work, before moving on.

Please pray

  • that, as the Lord directs His servants from place to place, He would prepare hearts to receive the message they are bringing;
  • for God’s protection on evangelistic teams as they travel, sometimes on rough and dangerous roads and in areas where they face danger from thieves and even terrorists;
  • that necessary permissions and permits would be granted and the team would find favor in each community;
  • that those who accept Jesus would grow strong in their faith, become part of a church community, and become His witnesses in that area.