WAAST Prayer Guide – March 13, 2022

This week pray for EQUATORIAL GUINEA (EG)

The Central African nation of Equatorial Guinea consists of a small mainland section and two islands in the Gulf of Guinea. EG gained independence from Spain in 1968, and most people still speak Spanish as well as their tribal language. The exploitation of oil has made EG the third-richest African nation per capita today—but 70% of the population remains in poverty. Most remain spiritually impoverished as well, following traditional animistic beliefs mixed with the Roman Catholicism of their colonizers. The Assemblies of God was established here in 1988 and has grown to around 90 churches. New AG leaders were recently elected, and the assistant general superintendent is a WAAST graduate. He also directs the Bible school, which has two campuses, one on the island and one on the mainland. Graduates and other workers are engaged in church planting around the nation. While there is yet no organized national children’s department, the AG runs 10 primary schools, and most churches have children’s and youth programs. In the past few months, five missionaries from the US Assemblies of God have arrived to help with church planting, children’s ministry, and other needs.

Please pray

  • for the new leadership of the AG here, for the direction of the Holy Spirit and for human and material resources to carry out His work;
  • that more workers may be trained in the Bible school and church-planters training program and take the full gospel to those who need to hear;
  • for the new workers as they settle in, build relationships with the national church and their neighbors, and serve in their respective ministries;
  • for numerical and spiritual growth in the churches. During the pandemic shutdown, the members in one leaders’ church met in homes, and others joined them. When they reopened, they realized the church had doubled in size, and it continues to grow!