WAAST Prayer Guide – January 23, 2022

This week pray for CHAD

Terrorism, disease, COVID-19 restrictions, lack of education, and political instability have kept most of Chad’s 17.4 million people in economic poverty. Islam, followed by more than half the population, and animism, often mixed with Christian beliefs, keep most people in spiritual poverty. The Assemblies of God of Chad is working to alleviate this poverty, through some 180 churches, Christian schools, and health clinics. With just over 100 trained pastors for these churches, the AG-Chad needs more workers! Two Bible schools are training pastors; the school in the south focuses on training church planters. Currently 24 Chadians are enrolled here, while previous graduates, from both Chad and Burkina Faso, are engaged in opening new works. Workers from Western nations and from other African nations (including some WAAST graduates) are involved in training and discrete outreach. Eight Chadians have graduated from WAAST over the years, including the general superintendent. An alumnus serving at the southern Bible school shares these requests.

Please pray

  • “that the Holy Spirit would powerfully move in the Assemblies of God in particular, for unity in the Body, and for greater commitment to the work;”
  • that believers would turn from animistic practices that prevent them from growing in the faith;
  • for numerical and spiritual growth in the churches, and a greater response to the call of God to serve Him;
  • for the Bible school students and the church-planting efforts around the nation;
  • for the Lord’s leading and anointing on workers as they seek to reach the lost; of Chad’s 130+ people groups, nearly 80 are considered unreached.
  • for provision for Bible school leaders to participate in an upcoming training seminar at WAAST.